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Update on Collaboration Agreements and Report from the Collaboration Board at the Last Annual Meeting

After the last Collab. Meeting in Fermilab in Oct. 2019, there have been several important developments in collaboration matters. The 2019 LIU/HL-LHC C&SR outcome was very positive with inclusion in the baseline of the various pending options

WP1 Project Management

Update on the HL-LHC Project Status - Issue 4

The period following the 9th Collaboration Meeting in Fermilab, 14-17 November 2019, has been exceptionally rich in events. The most striking has certainly been the COVID-19 emergency, with long periods of lockdown almost everywhere.

WP1 Project Management

Planning of the 2021 Annual Meeting

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions last year, the 2020 annual meeting initially planned to take place in Uppsala had to be postponed and instead the 10th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting was held in virtual form and limited to plenary sessions.

WP1 Project Management