During the last year, several advancements have been made in the Warm Powering; among them some important steps towards implementing expanded modularity and guaranteeing unprecedented precision.
Since Issue 2 of the Newsletter, it was decided to change the installation position of the dispersion suppressor collimators (TCLD) of IR7 from cell 8 to cell 9 in order to provide a much better cleaning in cell 11 for both protons and ions operation.
In the Optics 1.5 the crab position in the layout has been reviewed in order to take into account the design constraints of the cryogenic distribution line (QXL). In addition, the new approach guarantees the accessibility of the QXL equipment
The last short model of the Nb3Sn quadrupole was limited below nominal current by one coil: to overcome this issue, the limiting coil shall be replaced magnet and the magnet shall be tested in summer.
The US HL-LHC AUP effort successfully defended its plans to DOE in December 2018, and was baselined in February 2019. This major step provides the funding agency approval of the total estimated Project cost.
The 8th HL-LHC Collaboration Board took place during the last HL-LHC Annual Meeting in October 2018 at CERN. During the last months, several collaboration agreements have been prepared and are in the process of signature or advanced stage of finalization.
As mentioned in the closing remarks of the 8th HL-LHC Annual Meeting held at CERN (18th October 2018), the project is experiencing a mix of success and difficulties while passing from design and industrialization into construction.
In an effort to further enhance the communication and transparency of activities having potential dependencies in terms of schedule or resources on other HL-LHC WPs, a first TCC day was organized on 12th March 2020.
Uppsala University in Sweden has been a valuable collaborator since the foundation of CERN. In the 1950’s, Uppsala, having just constructed its own cyclotron, contributed to the development of the very first accelerator at CERN: the synchrocyclotron.
Since Issue3, three of the six series magnets were tested at cold [S1, S2, and S3], and another one [S4] is ready for testing on a test bench in SM18. On the production side, the construction of the cold mass assembly of the first spare magnet has started