Planning of the 2021 Annual Meeting

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions last year, the 2020 annual meeting initially planned to take place in Uppsala had to be postponed and instead the 10th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting was held in virtual form and limited to plenary sessions.

While some uncertainty remains, we are more optimistic this year. We are therefore pleased to announce our intention to meet again in person in a few months from now.

The 11th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting is scheduled to be held in Uppsala, Sweden, at the Ångström Laboratory, on October 19-22, 2021, as tentative dates, keeping October 18 as a possible option for satellite meetings.

We are aware that it is too early to arrange your travel, as sanitary measures in participating countries may change. We will be closely monitoring the COVID-19 restrictions in Sweden, as well as the recommendations of the Swedish Public Health Agency, to ensure that our collaboration meeting can be held safely. We should have the confirmation of its feasibility in early September.

In the worst-case scenario, the 11th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting would be held 100% in digital form, with plenary and parallel sessions. The HL-LHC Project Office will be in contact with the WP leaders to start preparing a solid scientific programme for both scenarios in the coming weeks.

The Project Office looks forward to meeting you face-to-face (or rather, mask-to-mask).

If sanitary conditions allow, see you in Uppsala this fall!