Annual Meeting

WP1 Project Management
20 June, 2024

Overview of collaboration status

The HL-LHC collaboration office continues to update existing and put in place new agreements. Since the beginning of 2023 we have been busy updating UK Phase 1 agreements allowing for the final invoicing to take place.

WP1 Project Management
WP1 Project Management

Update on the HL-LHC Project Status

The project reached several key milestones since the last Newsletter. Among the many achievements I would like to highlight here the celebration for the completion of all Civil Engineering work in January at CERN.

WP1 Project Management

Update on the Collaboration Partners and Contributions

The 6th HL-LHC Collaboration Board took place during the 6th HL-LHC Annual Meeting in November 2016, jointly organized by CEA and CERN in Paris, France.

WP1 Project Management

Update on the Collaboration Partners and Contributions

The 7th HL-LHC Collaboration Board took place during the 7th HL-LHC Annual Meeting in November 2017, jointly organized by CIEMAT and CERN in Madrid, Spain. One of the focuses of the 7th HLCB meeting was a summary of the existing agreements for in-kind.

WP1 Project Management

Update on the Collaboration Members and Contributions

The 8th HL-LHC Collaboration Board took place during the last HL-LHC Annual Meeting in October 2018 at CERN. During the last months, several collaboration agreements have been prepared and are in the process of signature or advanced stage of finalization.

WP1 Project Management

Update on the HL-LHC Project Status - Issue 3

As mentioned in the closing remarks of the 8th HL-LHC Annual Meeting held at CERN (18th October 2018), the project is experiencing a mix of success and difficulties while passing from design and industrialization into construction.

WP1 Project Management

Summary of the TCC Day and New Schedule as Agreed on during November Meeting in 2019

In an effort to further enhance the communication and transparency of activities having potential dependencies in terms of schedule or resources on other HL-LHC WPs, a first TCC day was organized on 12th March 2020.

WP1 Project Management

Update on Collaboration Agreements and Report from the Collaboration Board at the Last Annual Meeting

After the last Collab. Meeting in Fermilab in Oct. 2019, there have been several important developments in collaboration matters. The 2019 LIU/HL-LHC C&SR outcome was very positive with inclusion in the baseline of the various pending options

WP1 Project Management

Planning of the 2021 Annual Meeting

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions last year, the 2020 annual meeting initially planned to take place in Uppsala had to be postponed and instead the 10th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting was held in virtual form and limited to plenary sessions.

WP1 Project Management