Planning of the 2024 Annual Meeting and Cost & Schedule Review


Our annual HiLumi Cost & Schedule Review (CSR) will take place between the 11th and 14th November. After another lively procurement year, where commitments are expected to reach 74% of the budget at completion by the end of the year, we need to consolidate the status of the full project for what might be the last CSR in the usual full-project format, before entering the installation phase. All major work packages will present budget, schedule, and changes instigated since the last major baseline at CSR23, not neglecting criticalities and risk, margins in schedule, and mitigation strategies.

Last year’s format was very well received with its interleaved presentations, discussion time, and visits to laboratories, workshops, and test facilities.  We will keep the same format for this year, streamlining the program whilst allocating sufficient time for questions and to closed-door panel work. The rendering and closing are planned for the early afternoon of Thursday 14th November.

For the visits, we foresee the Large Magnet Facility (LMF) in Building 180, the SM18 infrastructures – including the IT String, magnet, and RF testing areas – and the beam screen fabrication facility in SMA18. We are also preparing visits to the new surface and underground infrastructures, the SY-EPC lab, and the Prevessin facilities for collimators, FRAS, the MKI-cool, and the new beam dump.  

In preparation for the new budget and schedule baseline 8.0, we will ask you to work with us to check and update all activity planning. Cost changes will be collected and scrutinised. The configuration, budget, and schedule baselines will be frozen on Thursday 10th October, right after the Annual Collaboration Meeting in Genoa.

annual meeting poster
Figure 1: Poster for the 2024 Annual Collaboration Meeting.