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DFX review and design modifications

On the 31st January 2019 (with a 2nd final session on the 12th February), a DFX Conceptual Design Review was held at CERN. The DFX is a key element of the cryogenic powering line for the new magnets of the LHC interaction region at IP1 and IP5.

WP15 Integration and (De-)Installation
WP15 Integration and (De-)Installation

Technical reviews of the HL-LHC Beam Dump System, the Collimation System and the Crab Cavity System

The CERN internal review of the HL-LHC Beam Dump System [BDS] took place on February 5th and was chaired by Volker Mertens. It was to a large extent triggered by two observations from the LHC beam operation towards the end of Run2

WP1 Project Management

Decision to delay the IT String test by one year and to limit the IT String test to one year operation

The HL-LHC magnets and cold powering systems are planned to be tested individually on dedicated test benches in the SM18 test facility at CERN or at the collaborators test facility (e.g. at Fermilab in the USA).

WP16 IT String and Commissioning
WP16 IT String and Commissioning

Update on the collimator developments: first picture of the TCLD from CINEL

One important upgrade for HL-LHC is the installation of new collimators, called TCLD, in the dispersion suppressors next to IR7 and IR2. The TCLDs are needed for proton and heavy-ion operation to intercept particles that differ from the main beam.

WP5 Collimation

11T: Decision to install the collimator package in MB9 and update on the latest prototype test results and test plans

Since Issue 2 of the Newsletter, it was decided to change the installation position of the dispersion suppressor collimators (TCLD) of IR7 from cell 8 to cell 9 in order to provide a much better cleaning in cell 11 for both protons and ions operation.

WP11 11T Dipole

New Crab Cavity positions and cryogenic shuffling module design

In the Optics 1.5 the crab position in the layout has been reviewed in order to take into account the design constraints of the cryogenic distribution line (QXL). In addition, the new approach guarantees the accessibility of the QXL equipment

WP15 Integration and (De-)Installation
WP15 Integration and (De-)Installation

Status of magnet test results

The last short model of the Nb3Sn quadrupole was limited below nominal current by one coil: to overcome this issue, the limiting coil shall be replaced magnet and the magnet shall be tested in summer.

WP3 IR Magnets

Report on the CD2 DOE Review

The US HL-LHC AUP effort successfully defended its plans to DOE in December 2018, and was baselined in February 2019. This major step provides the funding agency approval of the total estimated Project cost.

WP3 IR Magnets

Update on the Collaboration Members and Contributions

The 8th HL-LHC Collaboration Board took place during the last HL-LHC Annual Meeting in October 2018 at CERN. During the last months, several collaboration agreements have been prepared and are in the process of signature or advanced stage of finalization.

WP1 Project Management

Update on the HL-LHC Project Status - Issue 3

As mentioned in the closing remarks of the 8th HL-LHC Annual Meeting held at CERN (18th October 2018), the project is experiencing a mix of success and difficulties while passing from design and industrialization into construction.

WP1 Project Management