Two series dressed DQW cavities have been qualified at CERN and are being prepared for shipment to STFC in the UK for string assembly. Meanwhile, since the completion of the RFD SPS cryomodule in October 2023, the UK team at Daresbury Laboratory have been preparing for the series DQW cryomodules; upgrading infrastructure, updating assembly tooling, and implementing improvements and lessons learnt.
The cryomodule build area flooring has been upgraded with hard epoxy which is inherently cleaner, flatter, and self-levelling. For 4 series cryomodules – each with more than ten thousand components, plus tooling – the processing, storage, and retrieval of parts is a challenge. The team have worked with 5S consultants to develop the build area layout with floor markings and a new parts management system.
A new suite of assembly tooling is being developed for the series cryomodules. Two sets of DQW string tooling were delivered and mock-assembled in mid-May 2024. A new (80 K) cold test interface trolley was designed and delivered which is more compact for ease of use of storage. A clean-glovebox solution was also developed to allow beamline leak tests outside the ISO4 cleanroom. The cryomodule assembly gantry interfaces were modified and replaced.
In parallel, the procurement of cryomodule equipment is progressing as foreseen. The manufacture of the first outer vacuum chamber is advancing, the first warm magnetic shield is ready to ship, and many of the cryoline sub-components are manufactured ready for welding, while the MLI and thermal screen panels are both on order.