Planning of the CSR’23

The now annual Cost & Schedule review 2023 will take place between the 13th and the 17th of November. As requested by the ATS management, this will be an extended edition, alternating with the ‘light’ version held in 2022. This year, most work-packages will be asked to present their budget, schedule, and changes therein, as well as the main highlights of their technical status.

The program will span 4 days, starting Monday the 13th. The first day will cover all general aspects of the project, from status, progress, and configuration changes, to budget, schedules, collaborations, procurement, and risk. The WP presentations will span over 2 days, in linear (plenary only) format. Plenty of time is allocated to questions, and to closed-doors panel work. The usual rendering and closing are planned for Thursday the 17th, afternoon.

This year’s novelty consists in the visits to assembly and test premises, which are interleaved in the presentations program. Visiting facilities will allow the CSR panel experts to gain a better insight in the work progress and challenges. SM18, but also the Large Magnet Facility (LMF) in b.180 and the cryostating facility in SMI2, will complete the narration of the magnets, SC link and IT String. The visit to the main workshop and the new HL infrastructures in Point 1 will demonstrate the successful insourcing of activities in several WPs and illustrate the progress in infrastructures installation works.

A roadmap to the CSR’23 has been prepared with FAP. From now and during the summer, in collaboration with all WP leaders and task leaders, we will check the expenditure profiles and update activity planning, whenever necessary. Upcoming tangible or potential cost changes will also be collected and checked with all of you. This action will construct the draft of the new budget baseline 7.0, which will be presented to departments by mid-September. Modifications will then be integrated. The configuration, budget and schedule baselines will be frozen on the 10th of October, in due time for the CSR to start 4 weeks later.

The cooperation and transparent communication of all work-packages and actors of the Project is warmly acknowledged, to smooth the work-load and ensure a successful Cost&Schedule 23.

Fig. 1: EVM status of the HL-LHC project, Baseline V6.7
Fig. 1: EVM status of the HL-LHC project, Baseline V6.7