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Status of civil engineering works

In spite of the perturbation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the civil engineering works is progressing well.

WP17 Infrastructure, Logistics and Civil Engineering
WP17 Infrastructure, Logistics and Civil Engineering

Implementation of crystal collimation of heavy ion beams for Run3 in absence of 11 T dipoles

Crystal collimation was successfully integrated in the WP5 upgrade baseline as an in-kind item to mitigate schedule issues with the 11 T dipoles which have shown potential reliability issues for long-term operation in the accelerator

WP5 Collimation

Status of the Hollow e-lens

The Hollow Electron Lens (HEL) will provide, by means of a hollow electron beam overlapping over about 3 m length with the HL-LHC hadron beam, an active way to enhance particle diffusion and controlled depletion of the hadron beams tails.

WP5 Collimation

RFD Cavity Tests at 2K

The two RF dipole crab (RFD) cavities being prototyped for the SPS tests underwent an ultra-pure water rinsing for a period of approximately 7 hours at very high pressure of 100 bar.

WP4 Crab Cavities and RF
WP4 Crab Cavities and RF

Status of MQXF production and test results

After the successful tests of MQXFA03 and MQXFA04, that allowed last year to obtain the approval of the US contribution by the DOE, MQXFA05 has been tested in May 2021.

WP3 IR Magnets

Performance ramp-up in the HL-LHC era

The performance ramp-up of the LHC after LS3 foresees a smooth ramp-up of the effective pile-up density for the nominal case, with a nominal bunch intensity reached after two years.

WP2 Accelerator Physics and Performance
WP2 Accelerator Physics and Performance

Report from the TCC

The HL-LHC Technical Coordination Committee has continued its work for the follow-up and evolution of the technical baseline of the project in a fully remote format.

WP1 Project Management
WP1 Project Management

Update on the HL-LHC Project Status - Issue 5

The progress since the last collaboration meeting in October 2020 has been truly remarkable and the project successfully passed several key milestones for the project implementation in spite of the COVID-19 restrictions.

WP1 Project Management

Planning of annual meeting and CSR’22, including summary of CSR’21 outcome

Following a very successful exercise in 2021, CERNs Council has requested the Cost & schedule reviews of the HL-LHC project to be held annually, a lighter edition alternating every second year with a full project review.

WP1 Project Management

HL-LHC Industrialization

The High-Luminosity Project is nowadays in the transition from the prototyping phase into full construction mode and most of the activities in view of the series production for the HL-LHC hardware have already started.

WP1 Project Management
WP1 Project Management