
Production Readiness reviews

Two production readiness reviews where conducted at CERN: one for the pressure vessels and one for the MgB2 cable production.

WP6A Cold Powering

D1 and D2 and HO corrector review

In December 2018, a review of the design of the D2 correctors and HO correctors took place in CERN. The committee supported the selected designs that showed to reach the required performance.

WP3 IR Magnets

DFX review and design modifications

On the 31st January 2019 (with a 2nd final session on the 12th February), a DFX Conceptual Design Review was held at CERN. The DFX is a key element of the cryogenic powering line for the new magnets of the LHC interaction region at IP1 and IP5.

WP15 Integration and (De-)Installation
WP15 Integration and (De-)Installation

Technical reviews of the HL-LHC Beam Dump System, the Collimation System and the Crab Cavity System

The CERN internal review of the HL-LHC Beam Dump System [BDS] took place on February 5th and was chaired by Volker Mertens. It was to a large extent triggered by two observations from the LHC beam operation towards the end of Run2

WP1 Project Management