cryo module assembly

Overview of Collaboration Status 2024

WP1 Project Management
19 June, 2024
WP1 Project Management
19 June, 2024

Assembly of RFD crab cavity module for delivery to CERN in September

The Cavity-String beamline and Fundamental Power Couplers were assembled in the ISO4 cleanroom jointly with STFC and CERN staff.

WP4 Crab Cavities and RF

Delivery of RFD CC to UK and cryostating

CERN, STFC Daresbury Laboratory (STFC-DL) and Lancaster University have collaboratively designed a pre-series cryomodule to house 2 “RF Dipole” type Crab Cavities, with the aim of assembling the module at Daresbury Laboratory and testing at CERN in 2023.

WP4 Crab Cavities and RF