Following the re-baselining exercise for the HL-LHC project in June 2016, the HL-LHC project implemented several scope changes (e.g. reduction of the Crab Cavity installation to only ½ of the initially planned system and suppression of the Q4 quadrupole upgrade) with respect to the PDR that was issued at the end of the EU funded HiLumi Design Study. These changes have been documented and will be published in an updated TDR version V0.1 in 2017.
The TDR version V0.1 is in its final stage of editing and is due to be published by mid-2017. The latest version of the TDR is accessible under CERN EDMS system (link).
Baseline Change Documents
The TDR version V0.1 defines the new project baseline following the re-baselining exercise in 2016. All changes to the project with respect to this baseline are documented in the form of baseline change documents and the ‘Configuration, Quality and Resource’ office maintains an online list of these changes. The list can be viewed following the link ‘Configuration Baseline changes and Decisions’ on the ‘Configuration, Quality and Resource’ office page on the HL-LHC Project Management Site (link).
It is planned to present a complete list of baseline change documents at the next HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting in Madrid in November this year, together with the released printed version of the new TDR.