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Status of civil engineering works and technical infrastructures

The civil engineering works is progressing well. The underground works, including the metallic structures, have been fully completed at Point 1 in October 2021 and Point 5 in February 2022.

WP17 Infrastructure, Logistics and Civil Engineering
WP17 Infrastructure, Logistics and Civil Engineering

The IT String making big leaps towards its operation

The HL-LHC IT String is a major, intermediate milestone for the HL-LHC project ahead of the installation of the first cold powering systems in the LHC tunnel during LS3.

WP16 IT String and Commissioning
WP16 IT String and Commissioning

BGC Collaboration Meeting at CERN

The 8th Beam Gas Curtain (BGC) Collaboration Meeting was held at CERN in early April.

WP13 Beam Instrumentation
WP13 Beam Instrumentation

The DFH Cold Boxes produced in a CERN–FREIA/Uppsala University collaboration involving the Swedish RFR industrial company

This collaboration concerns the cryostat devices that will house and connect the HTS REBCO current leads to the MgB2 Superconducting Links powering the HL-LHC magnets.

WP6A Cold Powering

First beam commissioning of the new HL-LHC collimators at the LHC

The HL-LHC WP5 activities started in LS2 with some important upgrades in preparation to the full deployment of HL-LHC in LS3.

WP5 Collimation

Start of series production for RFD CC at Zanon

In the framework of HL-LHC AUP in the US, last year two prototype RF Dipole Crab Cavities manufactured in Italy by Zanon Research & Innovation were validated successfully at FNAL through cold tests at 2K.

WP4 Crab Cavities and RF

Delivery of RFD CC to UK and cryostating

CERN, STFC Daresbury Laboratory (STFC-DL) and Lancaster University have collaboratively designed a pre-series cryomodule to house 2 “RF Dipole” type Crab Cavities, with the aim of assembling the module at Daresbury Laboratory and testing at CERN in 2023.

WP4 Crab Cavities and RF

WP3 contribution - Issue 6

The magnet program has reached several milestones since the last annual meeting: in the following we summarize the main achievements of our collaborations.

WP3 IR Magnets

Advancements in MQXFA program and endurance test

In May 2022, HL-LHC AUP project successfully completed an endurance test on an individual magnet (MQXFA05) in vertical position.

WP3 IR Magnets

Overview of collaboration status and situation with Russian in-kind

The HL-LHC Project is entering the series construction phase and therefore most of the collaboration agreements are now focused on the production of final elements that will have their destination in the LHC tunnel and in the set of operational spares.

WP1 Project Management