11T Dipole
First Full Length Prototype of the 11T Dipole Magnet
The construction of the 5.5-m long 11T dipole prototype was completed in May this year after several years of intense work dedicated to the development and optimisation of the special tooling, and of the related manufacturing and inspection procedures.
Update on the collimator developments: first picture of the TCLD from CINEL
One important upgrade for HL-LHC is the installation of new collimators, called TCLD, in the dispersion suppressors next to IR7 and IR2. The TCLDs are needed for proton and heavy-ion operation to intercept particles that differ from the main beam.
11T: Decision to install the collimator package in MB9 and update on the latest prototype test results and test plans
Since Issue 2 of the Newsletter, it was decided to change the installation position of the dispersion suppressor collimators (TCLD) of IR7 from cell 8 to cell 9 in order to provide a much better cleaning in cell 11 for both protons and ions operation.
11T First Successful Magnet Tests
Since Issue3, three of the six series magnets were tested at cold [S1, S2, and S3], and another one [S4] is ready for testing on a test bench in SM18. On the production side, the construction of the cold mass assembly of the first spare magnet has started