Oliver Brüning (CERN)

Update on the HL-LHC Project Status

WP1 Project Management
19 June, 2024
WP1 Project Management
19 June, 2024

LHC operational status

WP1 Project Management
19 June, 2024
WP1 Project Management
19 June, 2024

Update on the HL-LHC Project Status

The project reached several key milestones since the last Newsletter. Among the many achievements I would like to highlight here the celebration for the completion of all Civil Engineering work in January at CERN.

WP1 Project Management

Technical reviews of the HL-LHC Beam Dump System, the Collimation System and the Crab Cavity System

The CERN internal review of the HL-LHC Beam Dump System [BDS] took place on February 5th and was chaired by Volker Mertens. It was to a large extent triggered by two observations from the LHC beam operation towards the end of Run2

WP1 Project Management

Summary of the TCC Day and New Schedule as Agreed on during November Meeting in 2019

In an effort to further enhance the communication and transparency of activities having potential dependencies in terms of schedule or resources on other HL-LHC WPs, a first TCC day was organized on 12th March 2020.

WP1 Project Management

Update on the HL-LHC Project Status - Issue 5

The progress since the last collaboration meeting in October 2020 has been truly remarkable and the project successfully passed several key milestones for the project implementation in spite of the COVID-19 restrictions.

WP1 Project Management

Update on the HL-LHC Project Status - Issue 6

The progress since the last collaboration meeting in October 2021 has been impressive and the project passed several key milestones for the project implementation in spite of the turbulences caused by Covid-19 and the crisis in Ukraine.

WP1 Project Management