Welcome to the 8th issue!

June 2024

The eighth issue of the HL-LHC CB Newsletter reports on the project’s progress during the second operation year of the LHC Run 3 period. 2023 marked the second in-person and first cross-Atlantic Collaboration Meeting since the COVID pandemic. The meeting, at TRIUMF in Canada, also provided the stage for the official kick-off of the Canada / TRIUMF in-kind contribution to the HL-LHC Project where all of the AUP-produced RF dipole crab cavities will be cryostated. It was great to see the facilities at TRIUMF gearing up for the upcoming series production period and I am looking forward to the next Collaboration Meeting in Genoa, Italy in the second week of October 2024.

Oliver Brüning, HL-LHC Project Leader

Editors: Markus Zerlauth and Florence Thompson


Update on the HL-LHC Project Status

WP1 Project Management
19 June, 2024
WP1 Project Management
19 June, 2024

LHC operational status

WP1 Project Management
19 June, 2024
WP1 Project Management
19 June, 2024

Overview of Collaboration Status 2024

WP1 Project Management
19 June, 2024
WP1 Project Management
19 June, 2024

Promising results from HL prototype beam instruments

WP13 Beam Instrumentation
19 June, 2024
WP13 Beam Instrumentation
19 June, 2024
WP7 Machine Protection and Availability
19 June, 2024

Long Shutdown 3 schedule and readiness review

WP15 Integration and (De-)Installation
19 June, 2024
WP15 Integration and (De-)Installation
19 June, 2024
WP1 Project Management
20 June, 2024